
在那貧窮的年代,他跟著父親的鐵牛三輪車,到農家揹肥料、到鹽水溪挖砂子,賺著那微薄的「車工費」塊,他體驗了「做工仔人錢歹賺」的困頓。好學的他在國中班上第十名,卻因為權勢者壟斷升學班名額,他被迫留在放牛班,打抱不平的年輕導師以「橫材入灶」的霸氣挺他入升學班,點燃年少心靈中的正義火炬「散赤人更加需要機會」。民國67年美國宣佈中美斷交,全台陷入驚惶,權勢者變賣家產移民去美,少年的心篤定著"將來我要做外交官 I would like to do something for Taiwan". 走入法律學界,他孜孜不倦,早上英語財經報紙、下午德語版,晚上日語版。幾年前執政者渲染著台灣與大陸簽訂服貿的浮美華麗,他的聲音行透台灣。四百多場的演講,他努力的藉由台語,讓更多的台灣人也能吸收到他每日從英語、德語、日語報紙所攝取的專業養分,以精闢的見解幫助更多人做更好的決定.
許忠信 20171208 五 18:00-20:00 成大 講台語看財經法智識的故事-台英字幕
許忠信 20171208 成大 講台語看財經法智識的故事
Over four hundred speeches throughout Taiwan: He did his best to give speeches in Taiwanese. During an era of poverty, he travelled with his father on a cow-towed tricycle. From carrying fertilizer for farmers to digging gravel from the Yanshui River, all just to earn a meager fee, he experienced first-hand what laborers felt doing menial work. Eager to study, he achieved tenth in his class in junior high, but was out-muscled by students with privileged backgrounds and streamed into the so-called "cattle-herding class" (the lowest class). However, thanks to his homeroom teacher's steadfast backing, he was able to enter his deserved stream and graduate successfully. This incident ignited the young man's passion for justice and belief that those underprivileged need more opportunities and chances. In 1978, the United States terminated formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, sending the island's population into panic. While many wealthy families immigrated to the U.S., the young man was determined to one day become a diplomat and "would like to do something for Taiwan". Entering the fields of law, he worked diligently- reading English financial news in the morning, German in the afternoon, and Japanese at night. A few years ago, when the ruling party inaccurately exaggerated and idealized the benefits of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China, he made his voice heard throughout Taiwan. In over four hundred speeches and his efforts at delivering them through Taiwanese, he enthusiastically shared the professional knowledge he had accumulated, in hopes that his insights will help more people make better decisions. (English translation: Joe Tsai)